Their Duty Done
A tribute to the men and women of the East Gippsland Region who Died as a result of their participation in World War One : 1914 - 1919
We will constantly be updating and adding information to this website as extra details become available and as research is completed on the remaining 3,500 plus names we have on the database. If you have information regarding a serviceman or nurse from this region who served in WWI we would appreciate hearing from you. You can contact us by phone, email, snail mail or visit our rooms at 21 Morgan Street, Bairnsdale on either a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday to share your information. We are particularly interested in photographs of the servicemen and family information, letters and/or diaries. Most times we have the service record, however, do not assume that we already have your soldier in our database as we are discovering it is changing on a daily basis with additions and new names being added. Where possible we have endeavoured to acknowledge individual contributions of stories or photographs that have come from outside our field of research. If you feel that we have missed someone please let us know. We are not infallible and have no doubt that somewhere, someone, just like our soldiers, may be unintentionally overlooked. To contact us please follow this link to East Gippsland Family History Group website.